Pure Organic Spirulina Powder (80g)


✓ 100% natural product


✓ No Additives or Processing Aids used

✓Pass test according to internal Standard, ensure meeting product quality and regulation

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What is Spirulina?
Spirulina, a type of cyanobacteria, is one of the oldest life forms on Earth. It is an edible bacterium and commonly known as blue-green algae (yes, it is a bacteria although named algae!) due to it’s blue-green appearance that contribute by its antioxidant substance. Spirulina is labelled as a superfood because it is recognized as one of the most nutritious food on the planet.

Our Spirulina Powder is prepared by carefully select spirulina from the non-polluted, natural alkaline lake in the Inner Mongolia plateau. Clean spirulina raw material will then pass through dry airflow pulverization and cell breakage to dry and mill spirulina which will reduce the particle size to less than 20 microns and collect in powder form.

Additional information

Weight 0.08 kg

Product’s Profile

Appearance Powder
Colour deep green colour
Flavour characteristic of seaweed
Aroma characteristic of seaweed
Molecular size < 20um
Solubility soluble in water
Suitable for all ages and vegetarian


Mix with beverage such as Fruit or vegetable Juice or breakfast milk like oat milk.
Incorporate into your meal such as Add to soup, salad or even bakery food (bread)
Nutraceutical food supplement

Storage Condition

Keep in a cool and dry place, avoid direct contact with sunlight.

Once open advised to finish in 3 months.

Shelf Life

15 – 18 months under recommended storage conditions.